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Water Tank Assistance Scheme implemented online and offline 2020

Water Tank Sahay Yojana Online and Offline Application 2020 (ikhedut portal online application)
The government is making efforts to enable the farmers of the state to achieve high production of agricultural crops and become economically prosperous.

However, unseasonal rains, storms, heavy rains and other factors adversely affect the quality of the crop after its production, due to which the farmer does not get adequate compensation for his labor. By helping Ketu build underground tanks, the community base for water, to increase quality production, and to increase social harmony among farmers, the farmer can reap the rewards of his hard work and from adverse effects on crop productivity and product quality Can be saved.

For the new case of giving Rs. Rupee. Proposal read by the Director of Agriculture by letter No. (1) for administrative approval of.

Under consideration, Karv: Arrow, budget provision under the new case in the year 2020-21 to assist adult consideration in the construction of community base ground water tanks for the economical use of water through drip irrigation. मारता Kills in giving administrative approval to spend on lac (six lakh lac in number). (1) Matters of Assistance (1) Under this scheme the group has to apply, 50% of the expenditure or Rs. 3.50 lakhs whichever is lower, to be paid to the group linker's account, as decided by the group, (2) for assistance under the scheme.

The unit course should include materials including an RC with a capacity of at least 1000 dynamometers, a seawater underground / mud tank, an electric room, an electric panel board and an electric pump motor.

The Department of Agriculture provides subsidies to farmers for making tanks according to the size of the tanks. Under the scheme, two or more farmers can jointly excavate a tank and store water in the rainy season when sufficient water is available and use it in the summer season when the water is low.

Full Read Govarnment Gr Click Hare
News Report Divya bhaskar Gujarat click Here

The federal government spends more than $ 20 billion per year on subsidies for agricultural businesses. About 39 percent of the country's 2.1 million farms are subsidized, with the lion's share going to the largest producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.

The aim of agricultural subsidy is to increase the income of the farmer by reducing the prices of the crop. Instead, they promote overproduction and therefore reduce prices further. ... The purpose of agricultural subsidies is to be consumer-friendly and tax-friendly. Instead, they cost Americans every year in high taxes and high food costs.

Water Tank Assistance Scheme implemented online and offline 2020

Water Tank Assistance Scheme implemented online and offline 2020

Water Tank Sahay Yojana Online and Offline Application 2020 (ikhedut portal online application)
The government is making efforts to enable the farmers of the state to achieve high production of agricultural crops and become economically prosperous.

However, unseasonal rains, storms, heavy rains and other factors adversely affect the quality of the crop after its production, due to which the farmer does not get adequate compensation for his labor. By helping Ketu build underground tanks, the community base for water, to increase quality production, and to increase social harmony among farmers, the farmer can reap the rewards of his hard work and from adverse effects on crop productivity and product quality Can be saved.

For the new case of giving Rs. Rupee. Proposal read by the Director of Agriculture by letter No. (1) for administrative approval of.

Under consideration, Karv: Arrow, budget provision under the new case in the year 2020-21 to assist adult consideration in the construction of community base ground water tanks for the economical use of water through drip irrigation. मारता Kills in giving administrative approval to spend on lac (six lakh lac in number). (1) Matters of Assistance (1) Under this scheme the group has to apply, 50% of the expenditure or Rs. 3.50 lakhs whichever is lower, to be paid to the group linker's account, as decided by the group, (2) for assistance under the scheme.

The unit course should include materials including an RC with a capacity of at least 1000 dynamometers, a seawater underground / mud tank, an electric room, an electric panel board and an electric pump motor.

The Department of Agriculture provides subsidies to farmers for making tanks according to the size of the tanks. Under the scheme, two or more farmers can jointly excavate a tank and store water in the rainy season when sufficient water is available and use it in the summer season when the water is low.

Full Read Govarnment Gr Click Hare
News Report Divya bhaskar Gujarat click Here

The federal government spends more than $ 20 billion per year on subsidies for agricultural businesses. About 39 percent of the country's 2.1 million farms are subsidized, with the lion's share going to the largest producers of corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.

The aim of agricultural subsidy is to increase the income of the farmer by reducing the prices of the crop. Instead, they promote overproduction and therefore reduce prices further. ... The purpose of agricultural subsidies is to be consumer-friendly and tax-friendly. Instead, they cost Americans every year in high taxes and high food costs.
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