Windy Live Cyclone Update
Weather radar, satellite, wind, waves and storms. No ads!
Windy (also known as Windyty) is a rare tool for weather detection. This fast, accurate, detailed and accurate weather app is reliable for professional pilots, plumbers, skies, kiters, surfers, sailors, fishermen, hurricanes and weather geeks, and even governments, military personnel and rescue teams.
Whether you’re following a hot storm or extreme weather, planning a trip, pursuing your favorite outdoor game, or just needing to know if it’s going to rain this weekend, Windy gives you the most up-to-date weather forecast around.
Windy's uniqueness lies in providing you with better quality information than other weather apps, while our product is free and free of ads.
The powerful, smooth, and fluid introduction makes weather forecasts a real joy!
All kinds of simultaneous predictions
Windy brings you all the best weather forecasts: global ECMWF and GFS, as well as local NEMS, AROME and ICON (Europe) and NAM (USA).
40 weather maps
From wind, rain, temperature and swelling pressure or the CAPE index, with Windy you will have all the weather maps in hand.
Satellite and Doppler radar
Earth satellite combinations were created from NOAA, EUMETSAT, and Himawari. Photo frequency of 5-15 minutes is based on location. Doppler radar covers large parts of Europe, America, Asia and Australia.
વોટ્સએપ ગ્રૂપમાં જોડાવ માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો
Point of interest
Windy allows you to display visual and warm air, weather forecasts, airports around the world, 1500+ paragliding locations or nearby webcams on a map.
Fully customize
Add your favorite weather maps to the quick menu, customize the color palette of any layer, and access the advanced options in the settings. All of that makes Windy a weather tool of choice.
Important Link
લાઈવ હવામાન અહીં ક્લિક કરીને જુઓ
Features and data sources
✅ All leading climate types: ECMWF, GFS by NOAA,
Models Several local climate types for NEMS, ICON, Arome and NAM
✅ High-Res satellite element
Comparison Forecast model comparison
40 weather weather maps
Rad Radar Weather in many parts of the world
Levels 16 heights from the surface to 13.5km / FL450
Units Metric or state units
Detailed weather forecasts for any location (temperature, rainfall and snow collection, wind speed, wind speed and wind direction)
Detailed Air Airgram and Meteogram
Ete Weather: temperature and dew point, wind speed and wind rate, pressure, rain, cloud cover
Details of Altitude and Time zone, sunrise and sunset of any location
List Customized list of favorite spots (with option to create email notifications for upcoming weather)
Stations Nearby weather stations (Real-time weather - Reported air direction, wind speed and temperature)
✅ 50k + airports are searched by ICAO and IATA, including runway details, raw and raw METARs, TAF and NOTAM
Spots 1500+ areas of Paragliding
Wind Detailed wind forecast and wave for any climbing or surfing area
C Webcams
Tide Forecast
Maps are geographic maps by and Satellite images via Here Maps
✅ English + and 40 other world languages
... and much more