RRB Recruitment NTPC and Group D Application Check Online Status
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) on Monday announced the status of applications for candidates applying for RRB NTPC on its official website. Candidates applying for the exam can check the status of their application online through rrbonlinereg.co.in. Candidates can get information from RRB website till 30 September whether your application has been accepted from the Railways.
1.40 lakh posts are to be filled. Railway Board examinations, which have been postponed for almost two years, will be held on December 1, 2020 this year. However, Computer Based (CBT) has not yet announced the full schedule for this test.
Over 2.40 crore candidates have applied for a total of 1,40,640 vacancies in RRB-Non Technical Popular Category (NTPC) and Group D Recruitment 2019. Out of 1.40 lakh posts, NTPC's total
There are 35,208 posts and a total of 103,769 posts in Group D.
This is how to check the status of the application
First go to the official website rrbonlinereg.co.in
Click on the link for application status on the homepage here
Choose your city now.
Login with credentials on opening a new page _ H
Application status will now be displayed on your screen
Centralized Employment Information (CEN) Number 01/2019 Non-Technical Popular Categories
Importan Link
(NTPC) Graduate and Undergraduate
1. Video released on 28.02.2019 CEN No. The scrutiny of the applications NTPC has been completed and the RRB Recruitment NTPC and Group D Application Check Online Statuscandidates can see the status of their application (i) provisionally qualified and (ii) rejected (with reasons for rejection). The status of the application can be seen through the link provided on the respective RRB websites.
2. SMS and e-mail will be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidate and the email ID given in his / her application, whose application has been rejected.
3. Application status can be seen by looking at the application registration number and date of birth of the candidates, etc. The link will be active new from 21.09.2020 to 30.09.2020.
4. While care has been taken in new preparing the list of provisionally qualified candidates RRB Recruitment NTPC and Group D Application Check Online Statusreserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical typographical error. RRB has inability to entertain any correspondence from ineligible candidates.
5. The candidature of all eligible candidates is completely provisional and is liable to be canceled at any stage of the recruitment process or in any situation thereafter.
The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) on Monday announced the status of applications for candidates applying for RRB NTPC on its official website. Candidates applying for the exam can check the status of their application online through rrbonlinereg.co.in. Candidates can get information from RRB website till 30 September whether your application has been accepted from the Railways.
1.40 lakh posts are to be filled. Railway Board examinations, which have been postponed for almost two years, will be held on December 1, 2020 this year. However, Computer Based (CBT) has not yet announced the full schedule for this test.
Over 2.40 crore candidates have applied for a total of 1,40,640 vacancies in RRB-Non Technical Popular Category (NTPC) and Group D Recruitment 2019. Out of 1.40 lakh posts, NTPC's total
There are 35,208 posts and a total of 103,769 posts in Group D.
This is how to check the status of the application
First go to the official website rrbonlinereg.co.in
Click on the link for application status on the homepage here
Choose your city now.
Login with credentials on opening a new page _ H
Application status will now be displayed on your screen
Centralized Employment Information (CEN) Number 01/2019 Non-Technical Popular Categories
Importan Link
(NTPC) Graduate and Undergraduate
1. Video released on 28.02.2019 CEN No. The scrutiny of the applications NTPC has been completed and the RRB Recruitment NTPC and Group D Application Check Online Statuscandidates can see the status of their application (i) provisionally qualified and (ii) rejected (with reasons for rejection). The status of the application can be seen through the link provided on the respective RRB websites.
2. SMS and e-mail will be sent to the registered mobile number of the candidate and the email ID given in his / her application, whose application has been rejected.
3. Application status can be seen by looking at the application registration number and date of birth of the candidates, etc. The link will be active new from 21.09.2020 to 30.09.2020.
4. While care has been taken in new preparing the list of provisionally qualified candidates RRB Recruitment NTPC and Group D Application Check Online Statusreserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical typographical error. RRB has inability to entertain any correspondence from ineligible candidates.
5. The candidature of all eligible candidates is completely provisional and is liable to be canceled at any stage of the recruitment process or in any situation thereafter.